Keep your landscape safe this winter.
Winter brings harsh temperatures and precipitation with it, which can both lead to serious issues with your plants. With the low temperatures and snow we’ve experienced lately in the area, there’s no better time than now to make sure you understand how to protect your landscape from winter weather conditions. Here are some steps that you can take to keep your landscape protected from harsh winter weather.
Check Your Trees
If your trees or their limbs end up falling down, there can be significant damage to property or serious injury to passersby. After a snow or ice storm, precipitation can gather on your trees and weigh them down. This isn’t always an issue but if your tree is weak or damaged, parts of it are more prone to falling down. Make sure your trees’ limbs aren’t in bad shape and if they are, be sure to prune them.
Apply Mulch
Winter is a great time to apply mulch, so make sure that you take the time to apply mulch to your landscape this season. Mulch provides a form of insulation to your plants, which is especially helpful given the cold temperatures outside. It also helps prevent the soil from eroding. Erosion can be a big problem when there’s a lot of precipitation falling so make sure you do all you can to prevent it from happening. Mulch also has some aesthetic benefits for your landscape, making it an all-around great solution for your winter landscaping needs.
Keep Your Plants Hydrated
Many people make watering their plants less of a priority in the winter, often because of misconceptions about what plants need to survive the winter. It’s important to remember that evergreen plants lose moisture from their leaves during the winter. Make sure that your evergreen plants are well-hydrated so they can survive the season. You can do this by adding an anti-transpirant to your plants and by maintaining a consistent watering schedule.
Use Caution With Salt
Salt is a great way to melt ice and snow around your house but you should exercise some caution when you’re using it. Using too much salt or placing it in certain areas of your landscape could take water away from your trees’ or plants’ roots. Be cautious when using salt or consider switching to an alternative.
Get In Touch With Lehnhoff’s Landscaping Today
Lehnhoff’s Landscaping offers professional and exceptional outdoor lighting and landscaping year round. We serve Baltimore, Chevy Chase, Montgomery County, Clarksville, Howard County, Ellicott City, Kingsville, Bowie, Pasadena, Towson, and many other areas throughout Maryland. You can contact Lehnhoff’s Landscaping for all of your Baltimore landscaping needs by calling 443.921.5789 today! Help us grow! Follow Lehnhoff’s Landscaping on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.